
3/4 magazine is created with the aim of exploring contemporary non-mainstream literature, visual and performing arts, music, film, alternative theatre, and more. Its focus lies particularly on artists and events in Central and Eastern Europe. The magazine is managed by Atrakt Art, a Bratislava-based civic association founded in 2000. The association’s mission is to support and organize cutting-edge activities, foster creation, and present up-to-date and vital approaches in contemporary arts and culture, with a focus on both local and international scenes.


Active since 2010, Easterndaze is a project that explores and highlights new music from Central and Eastern Europe through a variety of channels, including the Eastendaze blog, radio shows (e.g., their own show at Berlin's Cashmere Radio), events, music releases (e.g., via the BABA VANGA label).

Easterndaze aims to not only raise the awareness about up-and-coming artists in the East, but more importantly, to foster cooperation between the Eastern European artistic scenes. Between 2016 and 2021, the project organised a series of events in Berlin called Easterndaze x Berlin, focused on connecting Berlin-based and Eastern European collectives. Easterndaze also initiated the Easterndaze on Air project, which focused on connecting community radios from Berlin and Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, the project is also part of Signals 2 Noise, the first gathering of independent community radios. 


Kaput is a magazine founded in 2014, which covers a wide range of topics, from music to film, visual art to literature, from road stories to background stories, while putting the spotlight on the economics of culture. The magazine is funded by two dedicated cultural journalists Linus Volkmann and Thomas Venker. As they put it “Kaput believes that the economics of culture is a huge part of the modern artistic life, and one that most people haven’t talked enough about. In the digital era, the old Bohemian illusions are just that, illusions. There are new stories, new dreams, but how true are they? Kaput digs into the new realities of bands, the empty pension funds of artists and the now crazy idea of a dignified retirement.”.


MMN Mag is an independent music magazine founded in 2016 in Budapest with the mission to report and reflect on the underground music scene in Hungary and beyond. With roots in Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Berlin, MMN aims to connect and strengthen remote independent music scenes. MMN publishes written articles on music, organizes events, and it hosts a radio show at Lahmacun radio, a Budapest-based community radio.

ON Cologne

ON Cologne, founded in 2008 for a programme of 15 projects to mediate contemporary music in Germany, developed to a network and mediator for the independent contemporary and experimental music scene in Cologne. By providing workshops, technical supplies, as well as promoting and serving infrastructure for events like ensemble festivals, cooperations with the ensemble ColLAB Cologne or the independent music theatre festival ORBIT, the association acts as a link between artists and cultural policy. Serving public relations in podcasts, talks and social media completes the portfolio.

ON Cologne runs NOIES, a bimonthly print and online magazine introducing new and experimental music scenes in North Rhine-Westphalia – with the aim of inviting new listeners, inspiring artistic exchange and strengthening cultural-political concerns.

Struma + Iodine

Struma+Iodine is a Vienna-based, community-focused initiative that has been boosting the underground and experimental contemporary music scene starting from 2013. Since its formation, Struma+Iodine has been organizing a niche event series in Vienna. In recent years, the community has also been playing a significant role in the independent music journalism scene by publishing articles and creating podcasts on unique topics, often from an activist perspective.